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A Summer Afternoon

With the winter weather quickly and seemingly out of nowhere descending upon us it might be nice to spend a minute reflecting on a sunnier topic!  This past Monday evening at OLMC we watched part three of Bishop Robert Barron's Catholicism Series and during the video Bishop Barron discussed briefly Georges Seurat's pointillist masterpiece A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte (take a look at the painting below). 

If you were to go to see the original work at the Art Institute of Chicago you would notice that, like other pointillist works, the painting is magnificent from a distance but a bit confusing from up close.  Pointillism involves small distinct dots of color arranged in a larger pattern and the result is a painting that up close seems to be a random assortment of multi-colored points but at a distance displays an image or scene.  This genre of painting can, in many ways, be used as an analogy for our everyday lives and the presence of God in the world.  So often as we go through our days the things that happen around us seem random, unimportant, or difficult to accept.  It is only when we step back and look at the world and our lives as a whole that we can see what is happening and where God is at work.  Don't be discouraged if you struggle finding God in this or that event or circumstance in your life, sometimes we need to see the whole picture to find and experience his presence and his Providence.
