Keep the party going, Easter doesn’t end on Easter Sunday, it beings on Easter Sunday. Check out another picture of the great work the kids of our parish are doing and listen to John’s take on Mary Magdalene’s encounter with the risen Christ.
Easter Monday, 2020
Happy Easter! I hope everyone had a great Easter Sunday, but the celebration continues. Easter is so great we get 8 days of it! The image is of St. Mary Magdalene, the first witness of the Resurrection, holding an egg, an Easter symbol of new life.
Holy Saturday, 2020
No readings for Holy Saturday, no Mass until the Easter Vigil. Just the silence of the tomb. Spend some time in silence today.
Good Friday, 2020
Holy Thursday, 2020
The Triduum has arrived. Check out morning prayer at 9 AM, Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 7 PM, or our newest podcast with Fr. Victor Ingalls . Assignment - have a family dinner and if, like me, you’re on stay-at-home alone, leave a chair empty and spend dinner with the Lord.
Wednesday of Holy Week, 2020
Spy Wednesday (Episcopalians have much better names for stuff). Your assignment, do an examen prayer. You can reflect on your entire life if you’re feeling ambitious, or you can focus on one day. Listen/watch for my take, check out my interview with Fr. Josh Laws, or read here for more info.
Tuesday of Holy Week, 2020
Your assignment today— write a letter to someone you are not with. Maybe a family member or friend who you are not with, maybe someone who is isolated, or maybe to one of our local nursing homes. Today as a diocese we typically celebrate our unity as one Body of Christ at the catheral for the Chrism Mass, this year let us find another way to be united.
Stay safe and God bless
Monday of Holy Week, 2020
Today’s assignment: read the story of Holy Week. Start with Matthew 27 and finish that gospel or do the same with Luke 22, Mark 14, or John 13.
Stay safe and God Bless
Fifth Saturday Lent, 2020
I have an idea. When Jesus entered Jerusalem everyone wasn’t neatly, uniformly holding perfect palm fronds which they laid in front of him. They laid down whatever they had, branches, coats, etc. So for Palm Sunday we might not all have palms, but that’s ok. In New Jersey some churches are asking people to put their Christmas wreaths back on the door, to celebrate this holy day however they can.
Tomorrow for Mass I’d like everyone to go outside, grab a branch, a leaf, or go into the closet and grab an old fake Christmas wreath or a piece of green paper and get ready to lay it down for our savior to enter the city.
Fifth Friday, Lent 2020
“But I know, somehow, that only when it is dark enough can you see the stars.” - Rev. Martin Luther King- April 3, 1968